Monday, 13 May 2013

Day 8 - The tough one!

Without doubt this was the hardest yet - what was 98 miles on the Garmins was actually 124 miles after we went down roads that didn't exist (see photos of salt / flood plains). It was hot and very hard work., the wind had now turned against us and made a frustrating day much harder.

Miles: 124.1miles
Time in saddle: 8.46rs
Average speed: 15mph

We had lunch in Sete by the harbour - Garry's bike fell over in the wind and his helmet fell into the sea. Luckily Dr Matt quick as a flash was down the ladder and to the rescue.

It was Robin's 50th and he had booked a beautiful hotel near Narbonne Plage with a cave tour and dinner at 7.30pm. We walked into the hotel at 8.30pm dehydrated, exhausted and smelly. What a great setting for the night, and we were spoilt with great wines with each course, and amazing food.

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