Monday, 13 May 2013

Day 9 - Espana

Miles: 95.6 - Garmin  predicted 75  I think I'm beginning to see a pattern now.
Hours in Saddle: 6.19
Average speed: 15mph

We managed a late start after Oliver's strict bike cleaning regime. The normal 6.30am alarm was generously out back to 7.30am and we set off at 9am.Luxury!!!

 We managed to lose the first 90 minutes circumnavigating Narbonne, but at least we didn't get lost>. To make sure we kept up the pace, we rode the N roads and worked really well - all the training had paid off. we clocked up the miles and found all the right routes.

We skirted Perpignan, Port Vendres, Banyuls and then began the climb to the border. The weather was good, the wind was behind us and we climbed like 7 Bradleys. We crossed the border into Spain. What a trip!

Thank you to Rupert without whom this would never have got off the ground. Thank  you to Oliver who planned the routes, thank you to Robin who kept all the kitty under control, thank you to Andy for the matrix yet to come , Nick for being the mechanic, Matt for the medical work and giggling (and sleeping at lunchtime), Clare for all the driving, support & sympathy, Heather for all the photography support and sympathy and Kyla for the motivation, support & sympathy.

Og the blog.

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